Wednesday, January 6, 2010

The Truth Behind Andy Martin

With all the publicity that Andy Martin is getting nowadays, let’s take a look back at some of his greatest hits. This man has no business running for elected office anywhere in the country, as a Republican or a Democrat. He is an evil, hate filled man who has a lot of issues he needs to work out. Maybe he didn’t get enough hugs as a kid, or something like that…but he obviously feels that he’s been wronged, and he uses the courts and the airwaves to try and right his perceived injustice.

It starts in 1973, when the Illinois Supreme Court refused to grant him a license to practice law, in part because he tried to have a parking violation thrown out because he said it had been “entered by an insane judge”.

After that, he moved to Massachusetts, and owned a country music station. After that failed, he decided he wanted to be a consumer advocate, calling himself the “people’s attorney general”. At one point, he filed an antitrust suit against the Big Three TV Networks, claiming anticompetitive practices in network affiliation agreements.

He ran in 1996 for the Florida State Senate, but that attempt failed, mainly because it was revealed that, in 1986 while running for the Florida House, he named his campaign committee “The Anthony R. Martin-Trigona Congressional Campaign to Exterminate Jew Power in America”. Just before that election, he assaulted two cameramen from WPTV, the NBC affiliate in West Palm Beach, FL. He was convicted of criminal mischief, and sentenced to a year in jail.

He was freed pending appeal, but decided it’d be a good idea to threaten the judge as he was leaving the courtroom. He was sentenced to 7 months in jail, but for some reason was released after serving only 1.

He never showed up for his appeal hearings, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. As near as I can tell, the warrant is still outstanding, although he claims it’s being “resolved.”

Over the years, he has also claimed the George W. Bush used cocaine, which has never been substantiated, and that his brain suffered irreparable damage from alcohol abuse, also something that has never even come close to being substantiated.

After a visit to Iraq in 2003, he claimed that he knew where Saddam Hussein was hiding, and put in a claim on the government’s $25 million reward.

Andy Martin also started rumors about our current president, Barrack Obama. He issued a press release shortly after Obama’s keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National Convention, claiming Obama “lied to the American people” and “misrepresented his heritage.” Martin asserts that Obama is really a Muslim, and he was hiding this to “endanger Israel”. Now I’ll be the first to admit, President Obama has lied to the country about a number of things…being a Muslim is not one of them.

In 2008, Martin changed course, and now says that Obama’s father isn’t Barrack Obama, Sr., but it actually Frank Marshall Davis, an African American journalist who worked in Hawaii in the 1940’s and 1950’s. Apparently it doesn’t matter to him that Obama was born in 1961.

Martin recently announced that he would be filling a lawsuit against Wikipedia, saying they were a “protosocialist scam that target conservatives, and a tax exempt wing of Obama’s political operations.”

All this brings me to his #1 hit:

In 1983, Andy Martin filed a bankruptcy case in the Southern District of New York. In one of his motions, he called the judge “a crooked, slimy Jew who has a history of lying and thieving common to members of his race.”

In another motion, he stated “I am able to understand how the Holocaust took place, and with every passing day feel less and less sorry that it did.” When confronted with these quotes, he relied they were put there by malicious judges.

Andy Martin craves attention, and his outlandish attack on Rep. Mark Kirk is giving him far more than he deserves. He’s a nomad, both physically and politically, who has run for office in numerous states as a Republican and Democrat.

Bottom line is, it makes no difference if Mark Kirk is gay or not, it won’t affect how good of a Senator he is. Do I feel Mark Kirk is the best choice for Illinois as Senator, absolutely not. However, given the choice between him or Alexi Giannoulias, it’s not a contest. Mark Kirk is the best chance for the GOP to take over Barrack Obama’s former Senate seat, and he deserves the support of all Republicans, conservative or moderate.

1 comment:

  1. Welcome to the blogroll. I notice that you keep mispelling "Barack" as "Barrack". Is this intentional, i.e. some secret meaning that I'm missing, or is this just a typo?
