Sunday, January 3, 2010

Immigrant Advocate Uses Texting to Warn of U.S. Crime Sweeps - Local News | News Articles | National News | US News -

Immigrant Advocate Uses Texting to Warn of U.S. Crime Sweeps - Local News

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Here are my thoughts on the article:

1.) Illegal immigrants are not undocumented workers, or any other PC word that people come up with. More often than not, people seem to forget that the reason they are called illegal immigrants or aliens is simple...they are here ILLEGALLY.

2.) From the story: "Lydia Guzman, director of the nonprofit immigrant advocacy group Respect/Respeto, is the trunk of a sophisticated texting tree designed to alert thousands of people within minutes to the details of the sweeps, which critics contend are an excuse to round up illegal immigrants, The Arizona Republic newspaper reported."

Bottom excuse is needed...if I break the law, police don't need an excuse to arrest me.

3.) Also from the story: "Guzman said the messages are part of an effort to protect Latinos and others from becoming victims of racial profiling by sheriff's deputies. Deputies have been accused of stopping Hispanics, including citizens and legal immigrants, for minor traffic violations to check their immigration status."

Let me get this straight...deputies are being accused of stopping people for traffic dare they do their job.

4.) The thing that bugs me the most about the illegal immigrant debate is simple...Latino organizations, and most liberal organizations, turn the debate into race. I don't care if someone is here illegally from Mexico, Haiti, Panama, or England. They are here illegally, that is why I think they should be brought to justice, not because they are of Hispanic origin.

5.) I also feel that sending text messages about the sweeps is perfectly legal, since the sweeps are published beforehand. Like I always say, usually about Michael Moore, or some other blow hard...I don't like what they say, but I'll sure as hell fight for their right to say it.

What say ye?

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